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Thrive 21-23 Preston Street, Liverpool, LiverpoolREGENDA HOUSING SUPPORT
Thrive 21-23 Preston Street, Liverpool, LiverpoolDBS EXPERIENCE PROGRAMME
Thrive 21-23 Preston Street, Liverpool, LiverpoolTRAINING WITH THE LEARNING FOUNDRY
Thrive 21-23 Preston Street, Liverpool, LiverpoolCV DROP IN
Thrive 21-23 Preston Street, Liverpool, LiverpoolREGENDA HOUSING SUPPORT
Thrive 21-23 Preston Street, Liverpool, LiverpoolDBS EXPERIENCE PROGRAMME
Thrive 21-23 Preston Street, Liverpool, LiverpoolTRAINING WITH THE LEARNING FOUNDRY
Thrive 21-23 Preston Street, Liverpool, LiverpoolCV DROP IN
Thrive 21-23 Preston Street, Liverpool, LiverpoolREGENDA HOUSING SUPPORT
Thrive 21-23 Preston Street, Liverpool, LiverpoolY12 NUFFIELD RESEARCH PLACEMENTS INFORMATION SESSION
The Nuffield Research Placement Programme (NRP) is coordinated nationally by STEM Learning and managed in the Northwest by All About STEM. It is a funded scheme, which gives Y12 students the chance to take part in a real-life research project during the summer holiday between Y12 and Y13. You will take part in a 2-3 week placement with a host organisation […]