Four-day programme covering the following:

Day 1 – Leadership & Management Theory

  • Understanding my leadership style and reflecting on my pre-course work
  • Building the intelligent leader – emotional intelligence leadership
  • Setting the vision and goals for me and my team
  • John Adair Team, task & individuals’ functional leadership and core leadership practices
  • Time and priority management
  • Using restorative practice as a communication and conflict handling tool
  • Delegation
  • How to build a culture of coaching as a leadership style GROW model
  • Peer coaching practice using GROW
  • Being mindful of my emotional wellbeing and building resilience

Day 2 – Communication & Coaching

  • Communication across a range of platforms – verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Communicating with impact
  • Communicating and leading others through change – Kubler Ross change curve
  • Providing robust and constructive feedback – SAID model
  • Positioning challenging conversations – practice and peer coaching
  • Using GROW as a coaching tool for individuals
  • Presentation skills – preparing a presentation with impact

Day 3 – Motivating performance and boosting morale

  • Peer presentations with practice feedback using SAID model
  • Managing performance, the 8 performance levels matrix
  • Strategies for boosting performance and enabling potential with every team member
  • Managing talent and succession planning
  • Recruitment best practice
  • Common HR mistakes and how to avoid them
  • HR case studies on common themes – judgement and problem solving
  • Effective Team Member

Day 4 – Building High Performing Teams

  • Managing high performing teams – face to face and virtual
  • Managing team dynamics
  • Building trust in teams
  • Negotiating and influencing
  • Decision making types / skills
  • Conflict management – Thomas Kilman
  • Using GROW as a coaching method for teams
  • Peer coaching practice and action planning for the action learning sets

Delivered by UK Learning Network.

This is part funded by the European Social Fund