National Apprenticeship Week 2022 announced


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National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) brings together the entire apprenticeship community to celebrate everything that is amazing about apprenticeships. We look back at the 2021 event this February and forward to 2022.

National Apprenticeship Week is a time when UK organisations come together to focus on raising the profile of apprenticeships. Last February the week was full of virtual activity under the banner of ‘Build the Future.’ National Apprenticeship Service reported that NAW 2021 beat all expectations with the size and number of activities that spread the apprenticeship message and raised the profile of this unique route to progress your career.

The week was launched by the Prime Minister with a video viewed by over 150,000 people. Social media was alive with apprenticeship posts. Even the Royal Family were tweeting about apprenticeships. Throughout the week the Apprenticeship agenda was trending across social media platforms. The National Apprenticeship Show featured 11 workshops from organisations from the public and private sector. There were 42 exhibitors with virtual stands from across the UK, including Liverpool City Region based Alstom.

Across the Liverpool City Region, local companies, Be More Ambassadors and the Apprenticeship Support by Be More Team were very active. The Sovini Group, a property management and development company, held an apprenticeship showcase event. This was open to all students, and their parents, from across the Liverpool City Region who were in Year 11 and 6th Form. The Apprenticeship Support by Be More Team facilitated morning and afternoon virtual information sessions at schools and Job Centre Plus (JCP) venues throughout the week. The information sessions covered everything you needed to know about apprenticeships.

While last year’s event was very exciting, next year’s promises to be bigger and better. National Apprenticeship Service has already announced the date, so put the 7th – 13th February 2022 in your diary. The Apprenticeship Support by Be More Team will begin planning for this week in late February and already have a webinar scheduled to share ideas and discuss themes for NAW 2022.

National Apprenticeship Week is exciting and helps to raise the profile of apprenticeships, but there is all year round support for people looking for apprenticeships in the Liverpool City Region. If you would like further information on apprenticeships and how to apply for them, talk to the Apprenticeship Support by Be More Team They provide impartial information and advice on apprenticeships across the Liverpool City Region. Also, you can find current opportunities on the Be More website.