What will your apprenticeship be post COVID-19?

COVID has changed the face of business. Many companies and sectors are reimagining themselves. In the new business environments changes in the way they operate and the skills they need may mean higher paid jobs. Choosing your apprenticeship wisely could put your career on the fast track.
Whether you are leaving school or thinking about retraining, the COVID-19 pandemic has proved to be a game changer. The effects on business needs will be long term and it has created challenges across many sectors. The global trends are being seen locally across the Liverpool City Region and these trends should be considered when you look for your apprenticeship.
After the 2008-10 recession many countries turned to Apprenticeship as a key part of their recovery plans. This is because countries with strong Apprenticeship models suffered less and avoided youth unemployment. Apprenticeships are born when businesses need to fill skill gaps. COVID-19 has transformed industry and may result in an increase in apprenticeship starts in some key areas. Four key sectors are likely to see apprenticeships grow. These are product development, engineering, technology and healthcare.
These opportunities are not just for school leavers. Retraining opportunities for people later in life is seen as a priority. In September 2020 Prime Minister, Boris Johnson launched the Lifetime Skills Guarantee. This initiative seeks to help tens of thousands of adults gain in-demand skills, opening up job opportunities.
So what are the growth sectors post COVID-19? Recent white papers suggest present and future skill gaps exist in important sectors of high future economic value. These include Construction, digital, clean energy and manufacturing.
Business transformation consultants McKinsey & Company have been researching the changes and sees operational practices designed to reduce physical proximity and minimise frequent interaction with people. This has an impact on growth sectors. Virtual working is likely to stay reducing business travel with associated impact on commercial aerospace, airports, hospitality, and food service. E-commerce and digital sectors meanwhile are booming. Jobs in logistics and transportation may increase as a result of the growth in e-commerce and the delivery economy.
Opportunities are likely to increase in the healthcare and STEM occupations. Businesses will be looking for people who can create, deploy, and maintain new technologies. Digital marketing is on the rise as companies look to bridge skill gaps needed to re-engage with their customers. Work arenas with high levels of human interaction are likely to see the greatest acceleration in adoption of automation and AI.
A number of large companies across the Liverpool City Region continue to invest in apprenticeship programs, creating upwardly mobile career paths for their employees. When choosing your apprenticeship take a moment to consider the growth sectors post COVID-19.
If you are interested in becoming an apprentice, or learning more about apprenticeships, the Apprenticeship Support by Be More Team provide impartial information and advice on apprenticeships across the Liverpool City Region.