Wirral Met College’s New Campus


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Wirral Met College has a long history of providing high quality training to support apprenticeships in the Liverpool City Region. Their success has led to increasing demand, so they have invested in a new campus for Professional Studies and Trades Union Education. It will provide state of the art facilities for apprenticeships in accountancy, human resource management, leadership, business management, and more.

Wirral Met College’s new Professional Studies and Trades Union Education campus will open in September. Situated close to the prestigious professional business quarter of Hamilton Square in Birkenhead the campus has good transport links to serve the whole of the Liverpool City Region. Designed predominantly for people looking to develop their professional careers, or to change career paths, the new campus will also be home to the College’s Merseyside Trades Union (TU) Education Department.

Sue Higginson, Principal and CEO of Wirral Met said: “Wirral Met College has been supporting the Wirral community for over 165 years and our new campus will allow apprentices in key industries to train in state of the art facilities, developing important skills that will help to rebuild the economy. Our new campus for Leadership and Professional Studies sits within Hamilton Square, renowned as the business quarter for professional services.”

The campus will also provide practical opportunities for students to develop their skill levels and strengthen their portfolios to gain future apprenticeships. The new campus Bistro will be operated by Wirral Met’s young chef and culinary arts & hospitality students. From front of house to commis chefs the Bistro will provide valuable experience of preparing and serving restaurant quality food. It will also hone professional skills relating to running a successful business in the hospitality sector, including business management, marketing and accountancy.

“Our Bistro provides an innovative way to prepare students for opportunities in the hospitality sector. This is a great opportunity to acquire practical skills, bolster experience in a restaurant environment and build an understanding of the skills and qualities required to be successful in this competitive industry sector,” explains Sue.

If you would like to explore apprenticeships in the professional services or hospitality sector, then talk to the Apprenticeship Support Team by Be More. You might find yourself at the new Wirral Met College campus in September, gaining new knowledge and skills.