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Whether you have just started your first job or you are several years in employment, it’s always good to keep an eye on your career trajectory…

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Whether you have just started your first job or you are several years in employment, it’s always good to keep an eye on your career trajectory. 

Remember the interview question: ‘Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?’  Your employer is expecting you to have a career trajectory. They want you to be the best you can be, firstly at your current job and secondly at future jobs as you progress. So, here are five top tips to make sure you achieve that. 

Understand your sector

The first tip is to gain a thorough understanding of the sector you are in.  This will help you to develop a strategy for progression. Talk to people within your organisation to get a good understanding of how your company works. Remember too that the internet is a powerful ally. Get online to find out more about the sector, the competition, products and services and what the next big steps might be in the industry. For example, what impact will AI and machine learning have I your sector? What are the next growth sectors that will want your products and services? Researching, thinking about, and demonstrating to your bosses an understanding of issues that affect your company will get you noticed and improve your promotional chances. It will help you become a problem solver. Just imagine what your bosses would think if you told them you’ve been thinking about net Zero and have some suggestions they might consider trialling that can improve their energy efficiency. Make sure you use reliable sources on the internet to build your understanding on. Pay attention too to information that will help you to identify the skills you need for the next stages in your career trajectory and build that into a career plan.

Build your skill sets

Now that you understand your sector and the skills you need, our second tip is to begin to build those skill sets. You might be in a corporate company that will put you on relevant courses as part of your career progression. Often these are discussed an annual reviews and in one to ones with your line manager. Remember these are great opportunities to discuss your career path, show that you are driven and make a case for courses that could provide you with the additional skill sets you need. Your bosses will be expecting this, as they want you to do your current and future roles well. It’s called continuous professional development (CPD) and most professional institutes have specific courses to keep you up to date and bolster any chartered practitioner status. 

If you are not in a corporate you might want to look for independent courses you could present to your bosses. Again the internet is a source of online learning platforms that provide an opportunity for flexible learning. Look for Skillshare,Linkedin LearningUdemy, and Coursera amongst others. You may want to look at courses that not only build hard skills, but also soft skills. Remember to list the course you complete on your CV. You might also consider supplementary courses that build skills and key attributes for you dream job later in your trajectory. You’ll find a wide range of courses are available from technology to business, design to hands-on skills such as beauty, carpentry and plumbing.

Be good at Communicating

We’ve mentioned building soft skills and an important one is communication. Our third tip is to improve your communication skills. It’s a very important skill in all careers. Communication can be talking, writing, body language and digital. The most successful leaders in industry are great communicators. They inspire people, motivate them, persuade them, provide direction and help drive projects forward. They make cases for projects to be funded and for customers to buy products and services. 

With great communication skills you can always create a good impression with customers and colleagues alike. Good communication will build an excellent working relationship with your bosses. This helps to create a great first impression when you are interviewing for the next role up in your career plan. You can start on improving you communication skill just by considering the language you use and the tone of your voice when you speak to people. 

Look after yourself

A well know cosmetic brand lets you know that you’re worth it. We agree and our fourth tip is to actually look after yourself. It’s important to have good mental and physical health to succeed in your career. This means having a good work life balance and looking after yourself. It’s important to have a self-care routine. Regular exercise increases your fitness and self- confidence. Being well dressed not only brings confidence in a working environment, but also makes a positive first impression. This can improve your chances of promotion.

Get networking

Our fifth and final tip goes hand in hand with communication. It’s important to get yourself know in your industry sector. Building a good reputation comes through being part of the community in your industry. In every sector there is business competition, but also there is information sharing, reputations for specific skill sets and knowledge exist and that generates referrals and cross referrals. The people who get these, together with a good reputation in the industry, network. Today networking is easier than ever with social media sites like LinkedIn. Also there is the traditional route of conferences, meeting, exhibitions, workshops and trade associations.  Our advice is to network with quality people, so don’t go for quantity. Learn from the contacts you make and give back where you can. You’ll be surprised at how you’ll develop a great reputation and open some interesting doors along the way to a broader range of job opportunities.

We hope you find these top five tips useful. Good luck with your career trajectory and let us know how you progress.

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