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As an apprentice, you’ll learn the ins and outs of Aldi – one of the fastest-growing retailers in the country…

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There are two ways to join the Aldi Stores Apprenticeship programme. Either way, you’ll learn to be the face of the Aldi shopping experience. You’ll give customers the amazing service, products and environment they expect – and more. And whilst you’ll be asked to work hard, they’ll reward you with more than a great salary.

There will be plenty of opportunities to get the best out of yourself – and Aldi. With their support, you could make it all the way to Management level.

Career Starter

• No qualifications needed
• 12-15 months to complete
• Work towards Level 2 Retailer Apprenticeship

Store Management

  • GCSE Maths and English Grade 4 and above (or equivalent)
  • Up to 36 months to complete
  • Work towards Level 2 Retailer Apprenticeship and Level 3 Retail Team Leader
  • You’re conscientious and ambitious
  • You do things without being asked
  • You’ve got bags of common sense and determination
  • You take responsibility for yourself and for others
  • You’re 16 or older (Stores and Logistics Apprenticeships)
  • You’re 18 years or older and have a full, clean UK driving licence (Driver Apprenticeships)

Aldi are good at lots of things, but they’re particularly good at looking after their people. If you’re dedicated and give the programme your all, they offer:

  • Industry-leading salaries
  • Real future opportunities
  • 28 days’ paid holiday (including bank holidays)
  • A chance to learn from the best

Online Application

Aldi like to keep things nice and straightforward. There’s an online application form to highlight your key skills and experience. Once you’ve submitted your application, the recruitment team will screen your answers. If you are successful at this stage, you’ll then be invited to the next stage of the process.

Individual Interview or Group Assessment

Your Individual Interview or Group Assessment will take place in store with an Area Manager. You’ll be asked a series of questions and scenarios relating to the job role you have applied for.

Aldi Store Experience

Following a successful interview you’ll take part in the ‘Aldi Store Experience’ where you’ll get the chance to observe the different tasks that you would be expected to complete in role.

Download the Guide and find out more…

Discover more about how and why Aldi means more.

The brochure includes lots of profiles from apprentices, so you can hear about real experiences and see where you fit in.