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Education and early years

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An exciting opportunity to support recruitment and retention in the Early Years Sector…

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The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) are currently recruiting 5 Early Years Employment Officers operating across the Liverpool City Region as part of the Skills Brokerage Team.

This is an exciting opportunity to support recruitment and retention within the Early Years Sector, looking for enthusiastic individuals, eager to develop their career and make huge impact.

This is a key role that will be instrumental in ensuring that the Early Years Sector can meet future demand by supporting people into employment and ultimately ensuring that children can access Early Years provision.  

This is a multi-faceted role that includes increasing recruitment and retention into Early Years; supporting interested people into work in this critical Sector and supporting parents and carers to learn more about the financial support that is available to them as part of the DWP Childcare offer.   

As part of a whole system response to supporting the Early Years  Sector, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority have received Grant funding from the Department for Work and Pensions to work with unemployed people seeking to get into Early Years Education roles in nurseries, schools or potentially becoming self-employed as Childminders.  

Situated within the forward-thinking Investment and Delivery Directorate, working closely with Skills Brokers and other Employment Officers, you will be located in Job Centres within the Liverpool City Region on a place-based footprint.

You will engage with residents and employers, ensuring alignment with other employment and skills programmes to maximise the impact of resources.  Through focused and coordinated activity, your work will align with existing employer engagement teams’ work and networks, maximising local relationships, avoiding duplication and maximising impact within each of our local authority areas to the benefit of residents and employers.