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National Numeracy Day is today (17th May), it helps everyone to recognise the importance of numbers and numeracy…

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National Numeracy Day is today (17th May), it helps everyone to recognise the importance of numbers and numeracy, encouraging people to improve their skills around and build their confidence with numbers. The day helps individuals to understand how they use numbers in their day-to-day life. It also helps training providers who help people to improve these essential skills to showcase their company and opportunities 

Rotunda is a college that has been serving the local community for over 33 years, their mission is to lead on regeneration. As well as helping the community with academic skills in Maths and English. They go beyond helping individuals well-being by offering counselling, welfare and legal advice, community events, and skills workshops. The college is inclusive and accessible to all. 

Angela completed both English and Maths at Entry Level 3 with Rotunda, a delivery partner for WEA, and is currently on track to achieve her English and Maths Level 1 qualification. Since beginning in October 2021, Angela has developed her self-confidence through taking on the courses:

“I suffer with self-confidence and require a lot of support from the tutor, but passing my Entry Level 3 exams reminded me that I should always believe in myself and continue to challenge myself.

“I decided to study at Rotunda due to the support and understanding I received from staff throughout my learner journey, I enjoyed learning alongside students from all walks of life, and Rotunda provided a safe and welcoming learning environment, which kept me motivated each session. I have gained confidence in my abilities and myself and I am one step closer to reaching my end goal of having a Level 2 Functional Skills qualification in English and Maths.”

For more information on National Numeracy day and free numeracy resources, please follow the link here.