North West Apprenticeship Provider Roadshow 3rd March 2020

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The ESFA are hosting the second series of apprenticeship provider roadshows in February and March for main providers on the register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP). The North West roadshow is to be held at Haydock Park Racecourse on 3rd March. If you are an Apprenticeship provider and you have not registered, we urge you to do so as soon as possible to ensure you get a place.

Emails to register have been sent out to all main providers on RoATP. If you have not received an email to register, please email

The roadshows are being held around the country throughout February/March as follows:

Tuesday 25 February, North East – East Durham College (few places left)

Tuesday 3 March, North West – Haydock Park Racecourse

Thursday 5 March, London – Holiday Inn, Wembley (few places left)

Tuesday 24 March, Midlands – The Citrus Hotel, Coventry (few places left)

Thursday 26 March, South – Farnborough College of Technology

Tuesday 31 March, South West – Taunton Conference Centre at Taunton RFC

Please note that registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis.

Source: ESFA Update 19 Feb 2020