Recent activity by Apprenticeship Support team

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Team member Chris Eriksen attended the Sovini Group Apprenticeship open evening held at the organisation’s Bootle office. The evening provided students from local school and sixth form settings the opportunity to learn more about the organisation and the Apprenticeship opportunities available.

Apprenticeship information sessions were delivered at the following schools – Saint Edmond Arrowsmith in Prescot, Deyes High School in Maghull and Christ The King in Southport. The sessions raised students awareness of the Apprenticeship careers available to them across the Liverpool City Region. An Apprenticeship information session was also delivered at Kirkby Job Centre to raise customers awareness and to showcase live Apprenticeship job roles.

Team member Sue Ennis attended the Greenbank College “Moving on” event. The event was held for students at Greenbank College looking to enter employment after completing their courses at the college.

Apprenticeship information sessions were delivered for students at St Julie’s High School in Woolton, Calderstones in Aigburth and a Jobs for Tomorrow employer events at Rainford High School. The sessions raised students awareness of the Apprenticeship careers available to them across the Liverpool City Region. An Apprenticeship information session was also delivered at Runcorn and Everton Job Centre to raise customers awareness and to showcase live Apprenticeship job roles to customers as part of the Youth Obligation.

Team member Sam Metcalfe also attended the ‘Youth Zone’ skills show in Birkenhead, welcomed a new Apprenticeship Ambassador to the network Riverside Housing and continues to offer support sitting on a number of supported employment groups for SEND residents within the Halton area.

Team member Sue Ennis supported Alder Hey Children’s Hospital by attending the second Children’s Hospital Education Specialists Symposium (CHESS – 2) “An Undergraduate State of Mind” – The activity included information on how to Inspire school-aged children into healthcare careers.