Team Activity

During April, the Apprenticeship Support team has focused on keeping in touch with schools and residents. We have been contacting schools careers leads to reiterate our offer of support, and working on remote support platforms to deliver Apprenticeships advice and guidance remotely and in real-time.
We have also been keeping in touch with local job centres, to ensure their customers are aware we are still providing support to anyone looking for Apprenticeships as an option into employment.
Growing and supporting our network of Apprenticeship Ambassadors remains a priority despite the crisis. We have met virtually with employer ambassadors and key partners including the North West Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network, and Cheshire and Warrington LEP. Our employer ambassadors have found these meetings to be a useful way of reviewing ESFA updates and addressing common issues regarding the continued employment and training of apprentices during lockdown.
Halton Borough Council is tracking 144 ex-Halton pupils recorded as being on an apprenticeship, and we are providing support for those still in employment and also those that have been made redundant as a result of the Covid 19 situation.