Duration – Either 1 or 2 days 

Course Overview

This 1 or 2 day enhanced presentation skills course helps you stay in control when you are in the spotlight. It will help you present with intelligence, deal with complex questions or difficult audience members astutely and with confidence. You will practise skills to help you make points understood most effectively   and keep your audience’s attention. Delegates work on preparation and delivery of their final presentation, review and receive feedback , creating a template to go forwards.

As a result of attending this course participants will be able to: 

Approach presentations with more confidence and enthusiasm

Understand a more strategic approach to preparing a presentation

Prioritise content and structure presentation effectively 

Understand the audience and pitch appropriately

Effectively incorporate presentation aids

Deal with unexpected circumstances effectively.

Course content: day 1

Planning your presentationStructure; Timing; Contingency

Audience Analysis and Engagement

Building rapport; motivation; communication; Listening & Questioning 

Presentation Aids

Using visual aids to enhance a presentation, handouts, media, and props

Course content: day 2

Practical Exercises 

Vocal Projection and Breathing; Vocal practise; Structuring your presentation; Movie scene 

Power Poses

The Method Acting Formula; Final Presentation Prep; Toolkit Action Planning

Handling Challenges

Create bank of scenarios to support delivery of Final presentation review template. 

This is part funded by the European Social Fund