LCR Apprenticeship Hub sponsored the Apprentice/Young Achiever Award at the Halton Business Awards that took place in November. Sam Meacock of Initial Packaging Solutions scooped the award. In particular, this was for his academic and professional progress, and his attitude to work. During the last three years, Sam has achieved his NVQ level 3 and become the sole engineer, running his own department.
In addition, Jessica Gibbons was highly commended. Jessica, who works for Support At Home, was recognised for the growth in her confidence and her attitude to learning. Furthermore, Jessica has a clear, calm and thoughtful approach which means she can soothe stressful situations in the workplace – a very useful quality!
Well done to Sam and Jessica and all the other nominees.
This month, the Hub team delivered Apprenticeship awareness sessions to students doing employability programmes through Halton Employment Partnership, with a view to progression opportunities when they complete their course.
We also participated in Sandymoore School’s careers event.
Hub team members spoke to unemployed individuals about Apprenticeship opportunities at information sessions held at Kirkby and Huyton Job Centres this month. We also talked to pupils of all ages when we attended careers fairs at Saint Edmond Arrowsmith and Lord Derby Academy. A parent/guardian Apprenticeship awareness session at Halewood Academy was well received as was the presentation to year 11 students at Kirkby High School.
The Team participated in a careers event at Altbridge School and delivered a next steps session to discuss with students how supported internships, college courses or Traineeships can lead to Apprenticeships.
This month, the Hub team supported Calderstones School and Alsop High School, working closely with Career Connect to deliver a portfolio of activities including “Dragons Den” style work and Enterprise activity, 6th Form career fairs and presentations.
The Team provided support to Everton JCP Youth Obligation in the form of giving advice and guidance to young people on accessing Apprenticeships as a route into work. The Team also participated in Belle Vale JCP young people’s career fair.
The Apprenticeship Hub team supported careers fairs at Chesterfield High School and Maricourt High and delivered an apprenticeship presentation to year 11 students at Stanley High school. We attended the Sixth Form information evening at Chesterfield High to discuss Advanced, Higher and Degree level Apprenticeship pathways with sixth form students.
St Helens
The Hub has supported Sutton Academy 6th Form and St Cuthberts, delivering activities including “Dragons Den” style work and Enterprise activity, 6th Form career fairs and presentations with Career Connect.
Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Ambassador Leonni Robinson from Wirral Council visited Hilbre High School with the Apprenticeship Hub team to help deliver an Apprenticeship information session to year 11 students. Leoni outlined her own experiences as an apprentice, described the Apprenticeship career pathways available at Wirral Council, and answered plenty of questions from students.
The Hub team held Apprenticeship lunchtime drop-in sessions for pupils at Woodchurch High School.
Liverpool City Region
The Apprenticeship Hub was invited to the Steps To Work open day at Strawberry Field. This is a programme for young adults with learning difficulties, run by the Salvation Army at the iconic Strawberry Field in Woolton. The Hub is supporting the programme by helping to facilitate progression to Apprenticeships for the trainees once they finish. The Steps to Work programme is asking local employers to offer work experience opportunities to the next cohort of trainees in Spring 2020. If you can support this programme, please contact Programme Manager Alan Triggs
We’re pleased to report that on the 19th November at the LEP Annual Conference 2019, one of the region’s Apprenticeship Ambassadors, April McDaid from HMRC spoke about her Apprenticeship journey, concluding with a plea to keep offering apprenticeship opportunities to young people.
The Hub supported the Princes Trust by delivering sessions to cohorts of students on their ‘Get into’ programme which are short courses that develop young people’s skills, give them work experience in a specific sector and support them into jobs.
The Team also continued to support individual residents across the boroughs with information on accessing Apprenticeships and signposting to the growing Be-More website.