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Many traditional sectors are looking to upskill their workforce to meet their green growth goals…

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Many traditional sectors are looking to upskill their workforce to meet their green growth goals. To keep up with the shift towards a green economy, you may want to think about gaining ‘green skills’ to future-proof your role.

A green career can be defined in several ways. In the UK, green careers are defined using the United Nations definition which focuses on:

“areas of the economy engaged in producing goods and services for environmental protection purposes, as well as those engaged in conserving and maintaining natural resources”.

As well as the International Labour Organisation’s broader definition of green jobs as:

“decent jobs that contribute to preserve or restore the environment, be they in traditional sectors such as manufacturing and construction, or in new, emerging green sectors such as renewable energy and energy efficiency.”

The uptake of green careers is an essential part of the global effort to address climate change and achieve net zero.

For Liverpool City Region in particular, this is a core goal as the Combined Authority became the first in the country to declare a climate emergency, setting a goal of being a net zero region by 2040. Although green jobs are of vital importance, it goes hand in hand with ensuring that the workforce is equipped with the right skills to be employed in these roles.

Many skills are transferrable into green careers such a leadership, management, and communication skills. However, other more technical skills may require specific training. Both nationally and within LCR there are Green Skills Bootcamps which can increase your employability greatly, contributing to green growth. There are also Skills Bootcamps in other sectors which may indirectly lead to a green career.

Green careers are not just about renewable energy, ecology, or recycling.

As the importance of being environmentally friendly, and the severity of climate change becomes clearer, the approach to green jobs has become more holistic. Green policy and sustainability can no longer be an add-on to existing ways of operating. It must be embedded in the way we live our lives and operate our companies and organisations. This requires a skilled workforce, who in many cases benefit from meaningful and secure employment.

Even within core green sectors such as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), you do not necessarily need to have a science background to have a career. There is a need for business leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators. People within these roles have the power to make decisions which impact the green policy of their employer and the overall direction that climate change takes.

It goes without saying that green careers have environmental benefits, but there are economic benefits too.

The Green Growth sector employs approximately 37,000 people in 4,500 enterprises across LCR. The shift towards a green economy means that thinking about a green career may be essential to future-proof your job.

This may require upskilling, particularly in construction, manufacturing and transport. A greener economy is also expected to create around 3 million new jobs. One example of a green job in construction and manufacturing is wind turbine technician. Liverpool City Region received £4.3 billion of Europe’s investment in offshore wind energy. There are many ways to enter this career including university, college, or an apprenticeship. If you already have experience in electrical or mechanical engineering in another industry or the armed forces, then you could upskill to obtain specific knowledge. This could include information relating to turbine blades, renewable energy, and safety at sea.

If you require upskilling, then Liverpool City Region has an array of opportunities available to help you achieve the green career that you want. Why not help to protect the environment, whilst benefitting from secure, future-proofed employment?

To find out more, explore the Level 2 and above training opportunities and live job posts available now through the LCR Be More portal.