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World Skills UK have created a Spotlight on Careers series which shines a light on skills for today and the exciting challenges of tomorrow…

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World Skills UK have created a Spotlight on Careers series which shines a light on skills for today and the exciting challenges of tomorrow.

Available on demand in 45-minute sessions, these highly inspirational episodes help students on the first steps in careers planning and educators to provide engaging careers advice to meet Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 4, 5 and 7.

World Skills UK work with industry leaders in their fields to bring you high-quality content which will excite all audiences and is FREE to access.

The brand-new sessions focus on Engineering and manufacturing; creative and design; legal finance and accounting, and digital data careers.

Each session is divided into four short segments covering an industry overview with experts who outline key skills and myth busting, hearing from apprentice role models about their roles and inspiration, a short industry task that links careers to the curriculum and STEM where possible, wrapping up with the technical pathways in to the industry.

This new and improved format is available live to watch and then on demand, to fit flexibly within your timetable.

The Spotlight on Careers series can be access HERE or by visiting: